A What are the basic rules of applying to a US graduate school? 申请赴美读研究生,最基本的规则是什么呢?
B The earlier, the better. 赶早不赶晚.
A Is the process very complicated? 程序是不是很复杂啊?
B Yes, the process is arduous, so make up your mind firmly before you begin applying. 是的,这个过程很艰辛,所以在申请之前要做好充分的心理准备.
A What should be done first? 那么首先应该做什么呢?
B Read related information about international study. And discuss with your family,teaher and friends. 读一些关于出国留学的信息,并与家人、老师和朋友仔细商量.
A This work should be done before or after the GRE and TOFEL exams? 这应该在GRE和TOFEL考试之前还是之后呢?
B Before the exams. 在考试之前。
A How long does a student need to prepare for the two exams? 在考试之前 般准备这两项考试需要多久呢?
B He or she needs at least six months to prepare for the two tests, but that also depends on his or her level of English. 至少需要半年吧,不过这也因人而异,每个人的英语水平不一样.
A OK. what's the next step? 那么.接下来应该做什么呢?
B Write to the chosen schools to ask for admission and scholarship application forms. 下一步就要给你选择的学校写信,索要入学和奖学金申请表格.
A What are the necessary application materials? 那必要的申请材料都包括哪些呢?
B They usually include a personal statement. letters of recommendation official transcripts,CV and resume, study plan, scholarships and copies of your TOFEL and GRE scores. 包括个人陈述、推荐信、官方学生成绩单、个人简历、学习计划、经济能力证明、奖学金的申请材料、GRE和TOFEL成绩的复印件。
A Ok, got it. Thank you. 好的,我明白了’谢谢您!