A:Did you go to university?你上过大学吗?
B:Yes, I graguated with a BA in English from Qingdao Uinversity.是的,我是青岛大学英语专业的学士.
A:When did you graduate?你是什么时候毕业的呢?
B:Just a few years ago. What about you?毕业好几年了.你呢?
A:I just graduated from high school.我刚刚才高中毕业.
B:Are you planning on going to university?你打算上大学吗?
A:I'd like to get a BA, but I don't know where I should go.我是想读个文学学士学位,不过我不知道应该上哪所学校.
B:Have you applied anywhere yet?你现在申请什么学校了吗?
A:Yes, I've applied to four universities and have been accepted into all of them.申请了,我申请了四所学校,他们都给我发录取通知书了.
B:Congratulations! Which one is the cheapest?恭喜你啊!哪一所大学的学费最便宜呢?
A:The tuition is the same for all of them.学费都一样.
B:Which one has the most interesting course?那么哪一所大学课程最有意思?
A:I think the course at Leeds University is interesting, but I think the one at Manchester University would be more practical.我觉得利兹大学的课程最有意思,但是曼彻斯特大学的可能会更实用些.
B:Where would you like to be located?你觉得哪所学校的地理位置最好?
A:I'd really like to be in London, but it's the most expensive city in England to live in, so I don't know if I can afford to live there.我真是很喜欢待在伦敦,可是这是英格兰生活开销最高的城市,我不知道自己是不是能住的起.
B:Have you applied for grants or financial aid of some sort?你有没有申请助学金或者经济补助之类的?
A:Not yet.还没.
B:I think you should do that soon. It will help you make a decision about the school you go to.我觉得你应该马上去申请.这样有助于你决定究竟要去哪所学校.
A:That's a good idea.这主意不错.
B:Good luck!祝你好运!