A:Are you ok, Chuck? You look pale.查克,你没事吧?你脸色看起来不太好.
B:I'm fine, Katherine. I just stayed up late last night working on my Chinese.我没事,凯瑟琳,就是昨天晚上熬夜学汉语,很晚才睡.
A:Oh, poor you. You know what? I found a new way to learn Chinese and it works very well.真可怜.你知道吗,我发现一个学汉语的新方法,还挺有效的呢.
B:You did? Do tell me. I've spent all these months trying to learn something new about it, but I've made little progress!是吗?你可一定要告诉我。我这几个月一直在学,可几乎什么都没学到.
A:Sure. I'm learning Chinese through songs.当然可以啦,我的方法就是“唱歌学中文”
B:So you're learning Chinese songs?那你就是在学中文歌啦?
A:You can say that. I can actually sing some of them now.没错!我现在都会唱几首
B:That's a real achievement. How did you do that?真了不起!你是怎么学会的
A:I start by listening to the song a few times and after several times I am able to follow the singer.一开始,我先听听,几遍下来,我就能跟上节奏啦.
B:It makes sense.挺有道理的。
A:It does. I've learned some Chinese folk songs this way. They are clearly presented and easy to follow.是啊。我这么学了几首中国民歌,这些歌都唱得很清楚,很好学.
B:Can I join you, Katherine? I do want to have a try.凯瑟琳,我照跟你一块儿吗?我也想试试这个方法.
A:Why not? I downloaded a beautiful song the other day. We can learn it together now.当然.可以,几天前我下了首好听的歌,我们可以—块儿学.
B:Great. Do you think we need a Chinese dictionary?太好了.我们要带本汉语字典吗?
A:Yes, just in case we run into me new characters.带吧,要是我们遇上生字,可以查一查。
B:Ok. I will bring it with me.好的,我把我的字典带上.