1.Friahtened to death.吓死人了。
2.I'm rngnrenea or me exams.我很害怕考试。
3.I can't fly on an airplane.我不敢搭乘飞机。
4.I was terrified out of my mind.我吓得心都跳出来了。
5.That movie made my flesh crawl.那部电影令我全身发麻。
6.I'm frightened to live there alone.我害怕一个人住那儿。
7.I'm really terrified to see the accident.我真害怕看到出事。
8.I'm really in a flap.我真的慌极了。
9.It could have happened to anybody.这种事谁都可能碰上。
10. There's no need to upset yourself.你不必心烦意乱。
11..Don't take it to heart.别放在心上。
12. I believe that your fears were unnecessary.
13.Its not as bad as you thought.这不像你想得那么槽。
14.Why I often meet cranky?为什么常常会胡思乱想?
15. Don't you have anything else to think about?
16. The thought of having to take the exam again depressed me.